Monday, January 27, 2014

how to work through creativity blocks

My sister sent me this video she found which was very helpful, as well as having a cute animated cat. (particularly the purr at the end)   ^u^  Fortunately, there are captions available in English. 

Basically, it says to get through creativity blocks by:

1)  Do something inspiring to you.  Reminds me of my old Tumblr post about writer's block:
"I remembered a TED Talk discussing how education should be like farming, in that the focus should be on creating an environment in which growth is most likely to occur.  That’s exactly how I should conquer writer’s block.  In my case, I tend to have great daydreams that spawn stories, right in the middle of watching really great anime.  Also in the middle of reading manga I love.  They inspire me…or get my motor running.  Who cares which.  It works, and that’s what I should do."

2)  It then says to adjust your ambiance to facilitate your creative mood.  Listen to music, play a movie in background, change tactile materials (until finish warming up). 

3)  Then you get started on your blank page, choosing a method, dependent on your mood/inspiration:
A)  If you have a feeling in mind, then start with color splotches.  Gradually add in detail.
B)  If you have a movement/action in mind, then start with line gestures.  Maybe do several/many tiny gestural sketches, to test ideas.  Sketch from a source material/model if necessary.

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