Tuesday, June 11, 2013

more Masa-kitty and Yuki-tabby

Even though I was supposed to work on cosplay today, I ended up spending the whole day on this drawing.  ^^;;;
 First, there were the warm-up drawings, sketching photos of cats from Google/Bing search and the Facebook page "For the Love of Black Cats" https://www.facebook.com/pages/For-the-Love-of-Black-Cats-Black-Cat-Appreciation-Page/186841014709029

reference photo from search engine
 Still trying to finalize Masamune's and Yukimura's kitty versions. Should Yukimura's red headband stay (as fur markings), or should his head be marked with normal tabby cat stripes only? Should Masamune's cat fur "blue" have greyish lavender undertones or pure blue undertones? Though, I did figure out too late that the crescent stripe on his head should have been un-outlined, like Yukimura's fur markings.

 So I ended up drawing more DateSana kitty ideas.  ^.^; Though it seems natural after all the Nekotalia I used to draw.  Now I’m getting ideas for an entire cat version of Sengoku Basara…  #^.^#  Gangs of cats walking around at night, battling it out in the alleys and empty lots of modern Japan...  I probably won't go as far as drawing everyone from Sengoku Basara or drawing a whole fan-comic story (though I may consider a fanfic if this idea persists).  But I would at least like to draw a big, fluffy, long-haired cat version of Takeda Shingen with a kitten Yukimura.  *.*  Or maybe a paw swiping match between fluffy Takeda-cat and an adult Yuki-tabby...  I have too many silly ideas...  #^.^#

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