Tuesday, June 4, 2013

supposed to be on hiatus

Even though I started skipping my daily uploads at Deviant Art, daily drawing, blog posts, and all other creative activities, to focus on some urgent obligations in Real Life, I just couldn't stay away.  I know it means that I completely lack focus and self-discipline, but I like that it also means that creating things, really is something I can't live without.  Maybe I have caught the tail of the tiger I'm supposed to follow.  And knowing I'm on the right track---at last---is a really comforting thing.  My art professors used to tell me about painters who would become mental/emotional shambles, when they weren't allowed to paint everyday.  I always struggled to figure out what my thing was, that I just couldn't not do.  And these past few weeks, not posting things online, not making things for posting online, have felt a real decline in my self-esteem.  Without that daily sense of accomplishment and positive feedback, to let me know that people care, and reaffirming that I'm not crazy for only being happy after making some art, really gives me Hope in my self-worth and that maybe I can go on.  Maybe even Live, more than simply exist.  Because an internally dead existence, just makes me return to my age-old suicidal thoughts for comfort.  ANYWAY---enough maudlin.  Here's the stuff I ended up making, when I just couldn't stay away from Creativity, along with the Photoshop project my mom's had me putting priority on, over all the other things going on in my life.

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