Friday, May 3, 2013

art backlog

Yesterday, I was supposed to upload to Deviant Art, a drawing that I had been working on all night.  Most of my day, had been spent helping my dad renovate the house.  So, my drawing went late into the night, and I practically pulled an all-nighter, but still didn't finish my drawing.  I did a lot of  trial drawings, and in the end, resorted to pencil---which I haven't really done in a while.  In fact, when I worked on it yesterday night, it was actually a continuation of trial drafts I had done the night before (early that morning, in another near-all-nighter). 

Now that I look at it, the top hand may be too small/short...~_~;;;;;;;

I was having so much trouble, I had to find a bunch of reference photos.

Bing search for "Chinese tiger art"
Bing search for "Chinese dragon art"

Because this drawing was supposed to be my daily upload to Deviant Art and wasn't ready in time, today I had to dig up a substitute. Actually, 5.  When I miss my daily uploads to Deviant Art, I usually penalize myself with 4 extra Deviant Art uploads the next day, in addition to my daily one for today.  Fortunately, I had not yet uploaded many of my figurine photos from Wondercon 2013.  I never finalized many of my choices, so I spent today just making comparisons and decisions---For which, I shouldn't say "just".  Because such a process is always harrowing and lengthy for me.  @~@;

Almost forgot about uploading a photo for Figure Friday too.  Luckily, by the time I realized it, I had around 30 minutes before midnight turned to Saturday.  So I dug up some old figurine photography photos and made it just in time.  ^_^  (Even with Google+ inexplicably acting slow just then.)

Ah~!  And I haven't even re-started that new banner I wanted to make for my fangirling blog on Tumblr....  x_x; 

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