Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Masa-dragon, Yuki-tiger, and background fun
Spent most of the day, helping my dad and brother change the flooring in a room, so I thought I wouldn't have time to make something new for my Deviant Art daily upload.  But, as it turned out, I was able to stay up and draw this. 

I forgot how much fun it is to make backgrounds and foliage.  ^-^  I gotta do this more often.  It's especially fun with brushpoint nibs  ^_^  I love my new Copics, but I'm still learning how to lay down a nice even blue sky.  I tried the blender marker over my Pale Blue because I was afraid of layering the Pale Blue too darkly, trying to blend all the brushstrokes.  Didn't turn out as even as I would have hoped.  I need to get a much paler blue Copic.  Still, the blender had some nice effects that remind me of watercoloring.  If I could learn to control this effect, maybe I could do some nice things...  *.*

But first, I have to practice drawing crocodilians again.  My dragon above just looks terrible.  ~_~;;;  I'm sorry, Masamune-dono.  I almost messed up Yuki-tiger too but I was able to blot out mistakes with tiger stripes.  It seems like every time I start to get the hang of one thing, I forget what I learned about the previous thing(s) I studied.  x_x;  I need more practice. 

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