Saturday, April 20, 2013

art journal layouts

Wandering around on Tumblr today, I got the impulse to make an art journal blog there too.  Maybe as just a mirror to this blog, or maybe it will become something else.  I don't know.  Anyway, that set me on a path to a lot of Photoshop today.  Making banners and background graphics out of old, free-association doodles that turned out to look so incredibly appropriate for an art journal theme.

I thought I'd use the same graphics at this blog, but I ended up making a whole other banner and using Blogger's background instead.  Though the banner does use one of the same drawings and the same quote as my Tumblr blog. 

But I put the quote directly onto the graphic, so I don't have to mess around too much with Blogger's layout.  After all, I've messed around enough on Photoshop today.  ^_^;;;

version 1

version 2

version 3

Too many rough drafts in my process!  @~@

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