Thursday, April 18, 2013

brother's blog

Taking a stroll over to my brother's blog.

I remember when I surprised him by making this banner for his blog, out of photos he had posted there. I asked him what color he wanted the font and backgrounds.  "Tachikoma blue."  ^u^  Never before had I heard a color described in otaku reference terms before.  ^v^  That should happen more often.

He's a culinary professional, so his posts are all about the food he's made.  But it's also a trip down memory lane for my family.  He blogs about what he's cooked for us at holidays and get-togethers.  And sometimes, he posts extra photos about his hobbies. 

---Hey!  I should tell him to make a figurine photography blog!  *O*  That would kick @$$!  He does so much figurine photography, that we're both part of  the Figure Photography group at Google+


I like my brother's blog.  It feels like we're still hanging out and sharing out lives, even though we hardly see each other in person anymore.  ;u;

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